The Paleo Recipe Book

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Isagenix Reviews

Isagenix Reviews

Isagenix cleanse reviews
Isagenix was founded in 2002 and has grown very quickly over the past 9 years. Their products are now available throughout North America, Asia and Australasia.
Over 300,000 people have completed an Isagenix cleanse during this time.

The company has received a number of accolades and endorsements for their cleansing programs and is widely known as the world leader in nutritional cleansing.

With so many different cleansing pills, diets and supplements on the market today, it can be difficult to know which ones really are effective and will help you achieve your health goals quickly and safely.

Read our Isagenix reviews below to find out if an Isagenix cleansing programs is the right choice for you…

The Isagenix Cleansing System

isagenix 30 day cleanse
This is a nutritional cleansing program and not a diet. By removing toxins and impurities from the body and supplying the body with the optimum level of nutrients, people using Isagenix products have experienced weight loss, increased energy, better digestion and a range of general health benefits.

Results will vary and will depend on your current health and other variables.

Traditional weight loss programs focus on calorie control and portion size, which produce very short-term results. Nutritional cleansing addresses the root cause of weight challenges and aims to produce long term results.
john andersonWhenever you consider a nutritional supplement or diet, it’s important to look at the people behind the products. Isagenix products were formulated by an experienced scientific advisory board led by John Anderson, one of the world’s leading supplement formulators.

The products have been clinically tested and proven to work.
It’s also important to look at the quality of the ingredients and the process used to extract the maximum nutrient content from each of them.
before after shotIsagenix has invested considerable time and money in not only sourcing the highest quality ingredients from around the world (many of them organic), but has also developed a number of propriety processes to ensure the finished product contains the nutrients in a form that is readily available for the body.

One of the keys to this is the use of an enzyme delivery system to enable the breakdown and process the nutrients, as well as the providing the complete range of trace minerals needed by the body.
weight loss ladyAn example of the quality of the ingredients can be seen in the Whey Protein used as a base for the IsaLean Shake, one of the key components of the cleansing systems. The protein comes from grass-fed cows living on pristine farms in New Zealand. Living a clean, hormone-free, happy life leads to a protein which exceeds USDA organic standards and has a superior amino acid profile.

Many well known authors such as John Gray and Jack Canfield, experienced health professionals, natural health practitioners and athletes use and endorse these products.

Isagenix Reviews of the 9 and 30 Day Cleansing Programs

9 day cleanseMost people choose either the 9 or 30 Isagenix cleanse. Rather than being a single supplement or juice, these are complete fat-burning and cleansing systems which contain a range of professional formulated products that work together synergistically.

For example, with the 9-day program, you get two bottles of Cleanse for Life, a canister of the IsaLean shake, snacks, Accelerator capsules, a guide, and DVD.
The 30-day program is a longer, gentler program, and is recommended if you are serious about getting your health and weight back on track.

With Isagenix you know that you are getting a safe, professionally-formulated, scientifically-tested, natural and very effective nutritional cleansing program that has been proven to work.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

MiO: The New, Healthier Crystal Light?

colored_drinks.jpgI'm not a big fan of water flavoring packets that contain a list of artificial sweeteners and other chemicals.

You are basically pouring processed ingredients into your pure, clear, unadulterated water.

But, could new MiO liquid water enhancer be a healthier alternative to the powdered enhancers? Let's find out!

Water: This is how they get the sweetener to be a liquid sweetener.Citric Acid: Naturally occurring in the body, and is naturally found in all citrus fruits.Propylene Glycol: Used in a lot of non-food items as well like your shampoo, or as a non-toxic version of antifreeze. Technically, it could be toxic is we ingested extreme quantities. Overall, it is considered safe though.Malic Acid: Natural additive that helps give a sour flavor.Sucralose: Another name for Splenda.Acesulfame K: Another artificial sweetener also known as Sunett or Sweet One. Potassium Citrate: The salt of citrate that helps to maintain the proper pH of MiO.Polysorbate 60: An emulsifier.Red 40 and Blue 1: Food dyes. Potassium Sorbate: One of the safer preservatives out there.mio_nutrition_facts.jpgMiO claims that it does not cause an insulin response, and is therefore safe for diabetics.

There are zero calories, and zero everything for one serving. But, that is how it should be because the product is just made up of artificial sweeteners and additives.

The good thing is that you can use however much you like of the product. A recommended serving is 1/24 of the bottle, or ½ a teaspoon. But, it is still pretty hard to know how much that really is.

I consider MiO Water Enhancer healthier than Crystal Light because it does not use aspartame, and the ingredients are what I consider to be the safest versions of all the additives found in artificial drinks.

Does that mean I will drink it? Probably not. But, is it a good alternative for someone who is trying to decrease their intake of sweetened beverages like sodas? Absolutely.

What do you think? Have you tried MiO?

View the original article here

Muesli Fusion All-Natural Raw Cereal: Put to the Test

muesli-fusion.jpgIf you have ever been to Europe or Down Under, you know that muesli is standard breakfast fare there.

However, muesli has never really caught on in the USA, which is a shame because it's usually really healthy and a great way to start the day.

A new company, Muesli Fusion, hopes to change that and they recently sent me samples of their all-natural muesli to review.

If you are unfamiliar with muesli, it's basically a raw rolled oats based cereal that includes nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and other raw whole grains. It isn't the same thing as granola, which is sweetened and then baked.

Muesli Fusion is only sweetened by the dried fruit used and can be eaten cold with milk, soaked in water, soaked in juice, or prepared hot as you would oatmeal.

I tried four varieties of Muesli Fusion; An Ox, Harvest Festival, Athlete Fuel, and POW. For the sake of time and space, here's how An Ox stacked up.

muesli-fusion-nutrion.gifIngredients: Organic Whole Grain Rolled Oats, Goji Berries, Blueberries (blueberries, sugar, sunflower oil), Organic Whole Grain Rolled Rye, Walnuts, Organic Cocoa Nibs

Muesli Fusion contains only simple, wholesome ingredients, but I'll expound on just a couple of them.

Goji Berries: These tiny berries grow in parts of china and are rich in antioxidants. The have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries for their health promoting properties.

Sunflower Oil: This oil is high in omega-6 fatty acids, there is debate concerning the dangers of consuming too much omega-6.

Rolled Rye: This is a great choice for many, but those with gluten intolerance should be aware.

Cocoa Nibs: These are the real deal folks. Just small pieces of roasted cocoa beans.

Having lived in New Zealand for 4 years, I came accustomed to having half the cereal aisle filled with different types of muesli. Now back in the States, I miss this raw cereal. Muesli Fusion is a great find. All the varieties are tasty and contain only simple, natural ingredients. On the downside, as with many of these specialty products, Muesli Fusion is on the expensive side.

I know I could make my own muesli, but for me and other busy people Muesli Fusion is a great ready-to-go option. If you've never tried muesli, it can be a great addition to your healthy diet. Not only can it be eaten for breakfast, but muesli is a great addition to yogurt and muffins as well as can be added to desserts like apple crisp to make it more nutritious.

Overall, Muesli Fusion is a clean, wholesome product and a nice addition to the marketplace.

View the original article here

Light Laughing Cow Cheeses: Healthy or Not?

laughing_cow_cheese.jpgIn my house, we like to keep laughing cow cheeses around for snacks. You can find them on most grocery store shelves advertised as a lighter cheese option.

I find them pretty satisfying for only 35 calories per wedge. But, how is it possible to keep the calories so low?

1 Wedge of Light Laughing Cow Cheese: Light Cheddar, Cheddar, Swiss and Semisoft Cheeses (Cultured Milk and Skim Milk, Salt, Enzymes), Whey, Cream, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Salt.

The ingredients are comparable to other soft cheese spreads like cream cheese. The only unnatural ingredients are the sodium phosphate and sodium citrate which are both preservatives. Sodium phosphate is typically used to preserve meats, and is a healthier preservative to use than nitrites. Sodium citrate is regarded as safe since it is just the salt of citric acid.

light-laughing-cow-nutrition.gifAs you can see, one wedge is very light, and adds a very small amount of calories to your diet. The main negative nutrition fact is that one wedge contains 210 mg of sodium. This is quite a bit for such a small piece of food. For the average person, it is recommended to eat less than 2400 mg of sodium per day.

The added bonus of this cheese is that one wedge delivers 8% of your daily needs for calcium. This is higher than I would expect for a small piece of cheese.

Light Laughing Cow Cheese has six different flavors: creamy swiss, garlic and herb, French onion, blue cheese, mozzarella with sun-dried tomato and basil, and queso fresco and chipotle.

My favorite is the French onion. It tastes the most like a real cheese to me. The others all taste a little artificial or have some kind of slight chemical aftertaste. Other people I know do not think so. They love all the flavors and detect no chemical taste.

I don't like a lot of additives in my food, or preservatives, but for this particular product, I still consider it an option to include in a healthy diet. Plus, I don't buy Light Laughing Cow Cheese all of the time. I do try to stick to real cheeses, but smaller amounts. That is how they keep the calories so low with this product--the serving size. One wedge is only 21 grams, and can be eaten in just a few bites.

What do you think? Would you include this product in a healthy diet?

View the original article here

Monday, December 5, 2011

Yoga's Sneaky Fat Loss Benefit

yoga.jpgYoga has become mainstream now, and it seems like everyone I know has tried it.

Many people do yoga for the fitness aspect of it while others continue to think of yoga more traditionally as a way to reflect upon oneself, meditate, and relieve stress.

I recently noticed that many celebrities, including Victoria's Secret super models, practice yoga as their main form of fitness.

So, if so many slender people are practicing yoga, can yoga really keep the pounds off?

A typical yoga workout may burn anywhere from 50 to 250 calories, on average. If you were to ride a bike or to go for a run for an hour, that could burn, on average, closer to 600 calories.

So, it is not the calorie burn in yoga that leads to fat loss, it is something else.

Perhaps the number one way yoga can help to slenderize is its ability to reduce stress. Yoga works on controlled breathing techniques.High intensity asanas (positions) are followed by periods of stretching. This helps the body relieve tension.Yoga is quietly concentrated which helps you to remove yourself from the stresses of everyday life.We often think so much about the needs of others, but yoga helps with centering (looking deeply within). Yoga ends in meditation to help calm and clear the mind.All of this helps to reduce cortisol levels. High cortisol levels are linked to an increase in belly fat. Maintaining lower cortisol levels can help to reduce fat, maintain good health and metabolism.

I believe the main reason yoga helps with fat loss is because it makes you more mindful in everything you do. Mindful eating is the key to a healthy weight, and yoga can help us get there.

Research shows that people are more likely to lose weight when starting a yoga routine. In my own experience, I feel more content, leaner, taller, calmer, confident, and more mindful when practicing yoga weekly.

Do you practice yoga, and if so, do you feel it helps you stay closer to your fat loss goals?

View the original article here

Smart Halloween Candy Removal Tips

Halloween_candy_corn.jpgGrowing up, I always had a massive bag of Halloween candy that lasted me a whole year.

Any food that has such a long shelf life is probably not a good choice. I know that many who are trying to lose weight worry about the temptation of candy.

So, even if you don't recognize Halloween, here are some ideas for removing candy from the house.

Participate in a candy buy back program. Dietitians are not the only ones who want you to consume less candy. Dentists want to save your teeth as well! In the USA, we have a buy back program where your local dentist will buy back candy in exchange for coupons, prizes, and cash. The UK also has similar programs.Send your candy to US troops. Many living away from home would love to receive a care package of candy. Soldiers' Angels is one program that will send your candy to the soldiers. Many dentists are also doing this in the buy back programs.Make a craft project! Make a candy mosaic (a picture out of candy), or a festive candy wreath.Call your local hospital or nursing home and do a reverse trick-or-trick. Go around to patients' rooms, and give out candy (as long as you get permission for which patients can eat the candy).Save the candy for the next Holiday. At Christmas, you can make decorations out of it, or use it to make Gingerbread houses. At your next birthday party or gathering, stuff a piñata full of the candy. Donate to a food bank, or shelter. If you live in the USA, contact Feeding America. For Canada, try Food Banks Canada. For Europe, try the Federation of Food Banks. For other countries like New Zealand, try the Salvation Army.

Of course you can eat a few pieces of candy without ruining your health! If you are going to choose to eat candy, I would recommend a healthier option like some dark chocolate.

However, if you ate just three extra pieces of candy per day and kept the rest of your diet the same, it could lead to weight gain over time. And for those dedicated to their weight loss routine, candy in the house is a frustrating obstacle.

View the original article here

Forte: Gelato with a Pinch of Healthy?

forte-healthy-gelato.jpgHealthy Gelato? Is that possible?

I was recently sent some samples of Forte to try. They are marketing themselves as a protein rich, all natural, healthy gelato.

I love gelato, but I was almost scared to taste what a healthy version of the Italian delicacy would be like.

In my opinion gelato has always been one step above ice cream. Its rich and creamy texture, along with its bold flavors, and less fat and calories than traditional American ice cream make it a winner.

However, typical gelato still has a fair bit of fat and calories, so it's just a rare treat for me.

I/2 cup serving of Forte Vanilla Gelato contains: 160 Calories2.5 grams of fat1.5 grams of saturated fat20mg of cholesterol70mg of sodium18 grams of Carbs18 grams of sugar15 grams of protein40% RDA CalciumIngredients: Skim milk, protein blend (milk protein, soy protein), cane sugar, cream, agave nectar, egg yolk, madagascar vanilla, vanilla beans. forte-gelato.jpg1/2 cup serving of Ciao Bella Vanilla Gelato: 220 Calories12 grams of fat7 grams saturated fat45mg cholesterol70mg of sodium25 grams of carbs21 grams of sugar 3 grams of protein10% RDA CalciumIngredients: Milk, cream, cane juice, dry milk, tapioca syrup, vanilla extract, guar gum, locust bean gum, carrageenan, vanilla beans

Well, Forte looks like it's definitely a step above this one in comparison to nutrition and ingredients, but does it taste good?

I sampled both Forte's vanilla and chocolate flavors and to be honest, they both knocked my socks off.

I don't know how they managed to make their product so creamy with such little fat. Both were full of natural flavor and would rival any traditional gelato I've tasted.

I'm thankful that they're sold in single serving cups. Otherwise, it could have been dangerous.

Looking at Forte's website, they are marketing their product to be consumed as a daily part of the diet for adults, children, athletes, seniors, and those with health conditions.

In fact, they have their ordering broken down into "a 10 day supply" and so on.

Forte is a dessert and although it's a healthier alternative to other gelato and fortified with protein, I don't agree with the notion that we, especially kids, need a sweet treat everyday.

However, as an occasional treat, Forte is a smart choice and much healthier than ice cream or standard gelato.

View the original article here